Last Saturday, we held the Black Hand pre-release tourney at the store. It was exhausting! (But we had a LOT of fun. It was nice seeing some players again -- so many of them we hadn't seen in MONTHS. ^_^)
Wanted to share the image above because I made it. ^_^ (I never knew you could scan a film negative and have that effect. Sobra akong natuwa ^_^)
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Finished reading Nick Hornby's 31 Songs. Now I'm reading Harriet the Spy.
In compre news:
I also finished Samuel Johnson's Rasselas and am now reading William Wordsworth "Preface to the Lyrical Ballads". ~so many things to read ^_^~
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From zero to hectic:
For the past few weeks, I've been idle socially (did this make sense? oh well) -- except for meeting up with my friend F for reg and lunch last week, I haven't seen any of my friends in a really long time (we keep making plans, but our skeds just don't match ~sigh~).
This week, however, promises to be busy:
- meet with C (friend whom I haven't seen in a REALLY long time. She's back in town filming a documentary) and possibly Dr. B (dept head/college thesis advisor and one of my favorite AdMU faculty ^_^)
- meet with C who's teaching a class in Ateneo again this semester. (Another friend e-mailed asking if we could meet for dinner in Makati -- I asked her if we could meet next Tuesday instead and if we could do lunch)
- Alumni Recollection in AdMU
For those interested:
Date: Saturday, 22 November 2003
Recollection Master: Fr. Thomas H. Green, S.J., Spiritual Director, San Jose Major Seminary
Theme: The Basics of Ignatian Incarnational Prayer
Venue: Ateneo-Splash Foundation West Room, Second Floor, Moro Lorenzo Sports Center
8:30- 9:00 Registration.
9:00-12:00 Recollection, Reflection, Confession
12:00- 1:30 Lunch for those with reservations
1:30- 3:30 Continuation of Recollection
3:30- 4:00 Mass at the Prayer Room, Moro Lorenzo Sports Center
Telephone: 426-6001 local 4089 (Lara), 4083 (Jeng), 4084 (Mercy)
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Last Thursday, my sister and I made an early morning trip to Antipolo. For the first time (in our short history here in Metro Manila), we rolled down our windows and enjoyed cool, fresh air. The place we visited was beautiful! I took lots of pictures and can't wait to have them developed. ^_^
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