Thursday, January 22, 2004

Listening to The Last 5 Years (thanks to N and P for the copy ^_^)--

Found out about this musical through N -- she has the lyrics to the first song in her blog and it was so beautiful! I needed to listen to the music (and now I am ^_^ -- nice!)

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Happy New Year (again) to everyone ^_^ -- i love tikoy ^_^

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For AdMU Alumni:

A Retreat for Holy Week based on the Spiritual Exercises
of Saint Ignatius will be held on April 7-11, 2004 at Sacred Heart Novitiate, Jesuit Retreat House and Seminar Center, Novaliches, Quezon City.

The Holy Week Triduum is a very good time to take some days off from home and work to engage God in quiet prayer and prepare for the great Easter mysteries.

This directed retreat will be a good opportunity to reflect on the past year and to see the unique ways by which God invites us to share in the Paschal Mystery in the concrete events of our lives.

A major highlight of this retreat is the rich liturgy of the Paschal Triduum which will be presided over by the Jesuit fathers of the Sacred Heart Novitiate.

For the last five years, the Center for Ignatian Spirituality Philippines has been successfully offering directed days of prayer during the most solemn Paschal Triduum.

A group of supervised retreat guides will be on hand to guide the retreatants, one on one through the days of prayer. The retreat begins at dusk of Holy Wednesday, and ends mid-day of Easter Sunday.

For more info, contact:
Center for Ignatian Spirituality (Phil)
Spiritual Pastoral Center, Seminary Road
Telephone Numbers: 426-4250 to 51
Fax: 426-4250 or email:

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Compre countdown:

I have two weeks left to study for the first half of the exam. I'm doing well so far --

No use squeezing blood from stone (favorite quote from my beloved Prof. Torres) -- I know what I know and there's no improving that knowledge na -- but I hate the anticipation =P (I dread the evening of February 6 -- it would be an agonizing wait for February 7)

I just want to get this over and done with! >_<

Thank God for the "what comes after" -- so many plans, so many friends nice enough to indulge me and an afternoon at a spa! ^_^

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Finally got a chance to read My Faith in Frankie -- lol! Such a great, great first issue! I wish I had my own personal god. ^_^

Today I decided that I will believe that I have a god who is looking out for me -- it is a comforting thought and all it takes is a bit of faith --

Speaking of faith --
Conversation with E:
Me: According to A, I need to take a leap of faith --
E: And?
Me: I want to leap, but I don't have faith.
E: [snorts] [shakes head] [continues drawing]

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How time flies! The store will be two years old in a week -- yay! ^_^

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