Friday, July 02, 2010

Epic fail morning --

The concept sounded sound -- cream cheese and blueberry in pancake --

The initial plan was just to swirl blueberry topping into the pancake batter but I read a recipe that mixed cream cheese in pancake batter.

I figured I could mix both into the same pancake batter.  (Did I mention it's a whole wheat pancake mix?  Bob's Red Mill Whole Grain Mix Pancake & Waffle, 10 Grain 26 oz)

It looked pretty but the inside was still mushy and wet --


See the lovely fleck of cream cheese?

Mushy inside! T_T


Good thing we had bread.

At the same time, Johann decided to experiment on the proportion of coffee grounds (Yes, C, we "brew" our own coffee now. ^_^)  And the coffee was too weak -- and we had put in the same amount of condensed milk into our cups.  Our coffee tasted like warm sweet milk.

This does not bode well for the rest of the day ...

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