Friday, February 26, 2010

Busy-ness --

On my bedside right now is a magazine that my brother brought home from Japan -- it's called Minna no Techou (Everybody's Journal <-- ?) --


It's a lovely magazine that features diaries and how people use them.



I cannot read Japanese so I just looked at (and enjoyed the pictures) --

It's really amazing how dedicated some diary users can be -- they have different-colored pens and even stickers to mark out special events/important notes.


I told my brother how lovely it was and he showed me his diary --

He travels around a bit and meets with different people -- and his diary was a mix of Japanese and English.

And it had cute dot stickers!

I was so aliw that I went to National Bookstore and bought a set of small dot stickers for my diary as well.


I didn't get a moleskine journal this year -- when I went to Tokyo, my brother pointed out all the cute "other" journals and encouraged me to get something unique.

Since my little girl is all pink and cute, I chose the Cath Kidston one with strawberry prints.

<-- that's a folded up menu from the Peanut Butter & Co in New York, which C sent over together with the lovely jars of PB

I carry my diary in my bag -- and I have a pen with me.  My diary doesn't really have a lot of important events or appointments (except my kids' doctor's appointments) because I really don't do much here -- but it does carry important notes and ideas.


I love diaries -- and I'm glad I've consistently kept one for the past x years.  It gives me an idea of the state of my life and the people around me --

I've been reflecting while reading the magazine -- the idea of "busy-ness" --

Long before business was associated with commerce and the making of money, it was used to describe occupation (yet another word that had nothing to do with money...) --

I like the idea that life shouldn't just be about work and money -- but that there are other things out there that are just as worthwhile.

Which is why I am impressed and inspired by people who have decided to take a different path in their career and have succeeded.  (<-- another tricky concept.  An old professor would smile and ask, "What is one's definition of success?")

And I look at my life -- and my blank pages and I wonder if I am being "busy" -- 

If I really am busy when I tell my son that I can't play with him because I'm too busy.

And it worries me sometimes that I haven't done anything of merit (to myself or to my family) --

So I have promised myself (a belated resolution) that I will try to do something -- one thing -- a day.

And it starts today with this blog post and this reflection. ^_^