Friday, March 23, 2012

Catching up on Reverb 11: December 24 --

December 24: Learning experience. What was a lesson you learned this year that changed you? I am slowly still learning the lesson that every day is not the end of the world -- and that every mistake does not lead to catastrophic consequences. The past six months, I have experienced loss -- more loss than I have known my entire life. And, these losses have had a devastating effect on me -- With each one, I felt the ending of one world -- but I felt the beginning of another one. I try to weather through each one -- but, I have become afraid of the day-to-day goings of life. But I am forcing myself to believe that there is something better that will happen soon. I am forcing myself to be optimistic and to stay focused. So, when something happens: when Seth comes home and the yaya tells me his teacher said he was misbehaving; when Anya picks up a french fry from the floor and puts it in her mouth; when I forget to pay for something and it was due a week ago -- I remind myself that it is not the end of the world. (The other lesson, I got from Downton: It will be better in the morning. ^_^)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Catching up on Reverb 11: December 23 --

December 23: Web tool -- It came into your work flow this year and now you couldn’t live without it. It has simplified or improved your online experience. Does the iPad count as a web tool? ^_^ I resisted reading e-books for a very long time -- but, last year, my husband showed me just how convenient the iPad can be. I am reading more (and learning more) because of my iPad. I actually play very few games on it: Ticket to Ride, Monopoly Hotels, Scrabble, Ranch Rush and basically use it for reading. I love, love, love Zinio on my iPad. And I'm kinda addicted to buying up magazine subscriptions. (I have Rachael Ray and Food Network and Oprah ... and I have Family Circle and Parenting: School Years.) I love Kindle. And it's kinda funny when I'm reading a paperback book and I want to write notes or highlight an entry -- and I can do these so easily on the Kindle app. (But with a paperback, I have a small notebook and some post-its.) We also have one of those portable wi-fi device thingies and I bring one with me when we are at the doctor's or anyplace where a lot of waiting is involved and I get to check my mail and do small stuff while we're out. ^_^ I also take notes for our association meetings and for my book thoughts on the iPad. ^_^ I actually got mine last January -- and I know I should've waited until the new one came out -- but I've been a happy owner for the past 2 months and I don't regret a minute of it. ^_^

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Catching up on Reverb 11: December 22: Startup --

December 22: Startup -- 
What’s a business that you found this year that you love? Who thought it up? What makes it special?

I really, really, really love -- I love the concept!  

They accept submissions from artists and they offer 1 design per day.  After 1 day, the design is "retired"  

The price is amazing.  $10 for a t-shirt that's unique.  I also love that many of the designs have pop-culture (read: geek) references so they really can reflect a person's taste.

Our first Teefury shirt is this one.  The WhoNuts.  

Best thing?  Shipping is fairly affordable to international locations.  (Shirts will come out cheaper than Topshop or Uniqlo.)

The two other businesses that I am a big fan of are both from the UK

Book Depository and --

Why do I love them?  3 words:  Free. Shipping. Worldwide.

It is a boon to me because I have very limited access to books where I live.  (And I have limited access to clothes that would fit me where I live.)

I love that I can check for books and clothes during my kids' downtime -- and I can browse leisurely.  I know there is a risk of crazy-ordering -- but I follow 1 simple rule:  I put items in my shopping cart and sleep on it.  The next day, I edit. ^_^

Catching up on: Reverb 11 -- December 21: Project

December 21: Project --
What did you start this year that you’re proud of?

When I ran out of space in my Moleskine journal (for Books), I was getting ready to get a new one.  When I realized it was expensive. O_O

But I still wanted to write down my thoughts and keep track of my books.  

So I decided to open a blog for it.  I've been posting my thoughts about the books I've read on that blog since September last year and I have about 70+ reviews there -- and I'm enjoying the process.

I had considered handwriting my thoughts on a notebook -- but I am an impatient sort -- and my thoughts run faster than my hand.  So typing them down was my answer.

I have become a more thoughtful and more attentive reader.  I was telling F that now I take notes and "mark" (with post-its) entries that strike a cord in me.  I am reading more closely and more carefully now.

(And I have discovered my pace.  I average 1 book every 3 days. ^_^)