Friday, September 24, 2004

Nature --

A few days ago, while walking the path from Gate 2 to the English Department, I came across a felled tree --

I thought it would make an interesting subject for a photograph --

It was a good thing that I decided to bring my supersampler with me (with some leftover Ilford 1600 film inside) --

I stood there and started taking pictures of it --

Of the exposed roots --

Of the smaller plants still growing on the base --

Of the intricate pattern created by broken branches, twigs and leaves --

There was such beauty in its destruction.

There I was, with my Lomo Supersampler -- switching from .2 seconds to 2 seconds, creating movement where there was none.

A short distance away, was another fallen tree, much like the first one --

But this one had a white band of cloth around its middle, as though someone had tended to it.

I found an angle where I could take a shot with both trees in the picture --

Later that day, I saw a butterfly feasting on the carcass of a dead frog.

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