Sunday, April 11, 2004

From M's blog

Name Four Things You Are Thinking About
1. thesis
2. work/happy shipment day today
3. household concerns
4. my J

Name the Last Four Things You Have Bought
1. A top from U2
2. The Chocolate War and the sequel to it from Goodwill (each for PhP80 because they're on sale!)
3. film for my Holga
4. some CDs

Name Four Drinks You Regularly Drink
1. water

2. orange juice
3. the occasional soda (sprite)
4. yakult

Last Time You Said 'I Love You' And Meant It
When I tell my sibs or J --

Last Time You Cried?
While watching "The Last Samurai"? while reading Flipped?

What's In Your CD Player?
BOCA '99 (Best of College Acapella)

What Color Socks Are You Wearing?
Am usually in slippers -- but I like dark-colored socks or cute quirky ones

What's Under Your Bed?
books, thesis stuff, more books, notebooks

What Time Did You Wake Up Today?

Current Hair?
short, too short -- (but am dying for a haircut =P)

* * *

How apt! I love this poem ^_^ -- yay!

Which poem are you?

Sonnet 17 by Pablo Neruda

Aw, you're a romantic. You believe in true love and all that sort of stuff. How cute are you? To you, love is incredible and amazing.

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

* * *

From AS Byatt's Possession:

'I love you,' Roland said. 'It isn't convenient. Not now I've acquired a future. But that's how it is. In the worst way. All the things we -- we grew up not believing in. Total obsession, night and day. When I see you, you look alive and everything else -- fades. All that.'

* * *

A day of 'firsts' --

I met my J's parent's for the first time. First we visited his dad at the Magallanes columbarium. (Earlier that day, I visited the Agora Market for the first time to buy flowers -- it was an experience! I think it was pretty obvious to the people at the market that I was new to the place and they were all nice enough to give me directions and point me to where the fresh flowers were being sold. I wanted to go around some more to see what other things I would find there, but I didn't have enough time and my sister was waiting in the car.) We walked around Magallanes and ended up having brunch at Pancake House. (Another first!)

Over blueberry pancakes and french toast, I found myself thinking "So this is what bliss feels like." -- it was the most comfortable and natural thing, to be seated across him early in the morning, having brunch and having a conversation. I want more mornings like that. ^_^

I also got to meet his friends and hang out it with them -- fun people. There was the initial shyness, but I was immediately at ease with them -- they were telling stories of their college life and I was laughing and trying to imagine how they were back then. ^_^ (Am wondering how things will go when he finally meets my friends)

* * *

(It is never enough time --
there is always something more
to do,
to see,
to feel,
to talk about,
to hear,
to learn --)


* * *

Back to work, back to life. ^_^

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