Sunday, October 30, 2005

Update --

Had to delete the last post because it was ruining the layout of my blog (and I am an OC person who needs everything in order)

Surprisingly, I've been absolutely busy doing nothing -- when this sem break ends, I will have nothing to show for it -- no completed Chapter 1 and definitely no completed Chapter 2 ready for defense. (I am still trying, though and I gave myself November 1 as "official start date")

It is just amazing how there are so many nothings to fill one's day with -- for starters, there is the Internet and Y!M and the many blogs I visit every day and the ML I frequent. Then there are computer games and I am currently addicted to Stronghold and Stronghold Crusader, both of which affect my sleep. There is Television -- and Oprah and Celebrity Poker and all those lovely shows on Lifestyle and ETC and last, there are books and comic books -- we recently took out Johann's collection (a fraction of it -- there are still boxes left at his house) and I have been enjoying Castle Waiting and the old JSA and X-Men titles. (It irks him when I read lines from the comics in a mock heroic voice ... and I enjoy irking my husband. ^_^)

And in between, there have been dinners and VtES games and trips to Gateway for Breadtalk and more dinners.

And there are still more things I want to do!
- meet with friends
- watch more movies
- read more books
- exercise (which I will start doing on Monday)
- organize the house (getting there!)

* * *

You're never too old to learn something new --

When it comes to purchasing crabs, getting them in crab form is still infinitely better and will prove to save one more time than purchasing shelled, shredded crab --

I wanted to make something with crab for one of our meals and I didn't feel like boiling and picking out crab meat so I decided to buy the pre-packaged already-shredded crabmeat ready for cooking.

Turns out, you should never do this -- Johann suffered a really, really, really bad allergy attack and we had to hie off to Mercury at around 8pm to buy antihistamine and then wait to see the GP the next morning at the Healthdev and then go off again to Mercury to buy another medicine the doctor prescribed to help with the rashes.

Time saved making crab omelette = about 30 minutes (time it would have taken to boil and shred it myself)
Time wasted making all those trips to Mercury and seeing a doctor and worrying senseless in the middle of the night about whether my hubby was going to be okay = more than 30 minutes

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