Thursday, June 10, 2004

Ah, the wonderful world of blogging --

My cousin informed me yesterday that she finally opened a blog -- yay! My bro is using a blog to chronicle his adventures in New York while he undergoes a month-long fellowship there. Another friend, E.T. (I don't know why, but we always have to refer to him using his full name -- ^_^) succumbed and made two blogs (one for him and one for his very cute daughter)

I've listed all of them in my blogstop list -- up to the curious to figure out which is which ^_^

* * *

Things to do before Monday --
1. Create course syllabi for En10 and En11
2. Photocopy course syllabi for classes
3. Get En11 module from English Dept -- erg! (this isn't ready yet ... and I have 4 days left)
4. Read through En10 module -- help!
5. Read through En11 module -- help!
6. Think of nice first-day-of-school outfit -- yay! ^_^

... am thinking of opening a blog for my two classes. what do you guys think? Most teachers opt for a yahoogroups and I always dislike how that floods my mailboxes. A blog seems easier to access and easier to communicate through --

The downside is having to maintain 3 blogs (the ones for my classes would be updated once a week)

Thoughts please? ^_^

* * *

The Corrs' new album is amazing ^_^ -- we've been playing it in the store at least once every day.

My friend B's book is out -- Wala Lang is available at the UP Press (it will soon be available in local bookstores). (Congrats, B!)

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