5 Favorite Movies of 2010
1. Despicable Me
2. Scott Pilgrim vs The World
3. Toy Story 3
4. Sherlock Holmes
5. The Sorcerer's Apprentice
... I didn't watch a lot of movies this year.
5 Favorite TV Shows
1. Glee
2. Nigella's Kitchen
3. Big Bang Theory
4. Doctor Who ... technically, we don't watch this on TV
5. Staging Invasion on Discovery TLC
5 Favorite Magazines
1. Yummy
2. Sunset
3. Real Simple
4. Style: Singapore <-- started when C gave me her copy 5. Romantic Times
5 Best Purchases for 2010
1. The iPad for my parents
2. The iPhone 4 for Johann
3. The Apple Composite Cable for the iPod 2G
4. My new wallet (which is coming in January)
5. Our World Traveler Luggage Set (really beautiful green in 3 sizes -- we can "nest" them so storage is so, so easy!)
5 Favorite Places in Iloilo
1. Eon Centennial (for their Mongolian Buffet every Monday, Wednesday and Friday)
2. Smallville (though we don't go there often -- I like the idea of having dinner in one place and then walking/"promenading" to another place for dessert)
3. Booksale
4. Tinapayan at Atrium
5. Days Hotel (for their Meshi Japanese Buffet every Wednesday)
5 Things That Made Me Go "Wow"
1. My friend Dexter's Moist Chocolate Cake <-- very moist, very chocolate-y 2. Book Depository!!!
3. My brother running (and finishing) the Tokyo Marathon
4. Mooon Steak at Mooon Cafe
5. Yangnyeoum Chicken at Shin Ramyon
... also the iPhone 4 <-- not really a discovery -- more of a revelation ... also the performance/yield of Philam Asset Management's Philam Fund <-- this also made my mom go "Wow"
5 Discoveries for 2010
1. Book Depository!!!
2. Doctor Who
3. Amelia Grey <-- her Rogue's Dynasty series is very, very good!
4. Yangnyeoum Chicken at Shin Ramyon
5. Crave Burgers!!!
... More lists tomorrow!
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