Wednesday, December 15, 2010

December 15: 5 minutes --

Imagine you will completely lose your memory of 2010 in five minutes. Set an alarm for five minutes and capture the things you most want to remember about 2010.
(Author: Patti Digh)

1. My daughter's first birthday and baptism. Friends from Manila in Iloilo for the celebration. C watching TV and knitting during naptime. 1kg of bacon.

2. Text conversations with F about romance novels. Silly one line reviews of the books we've read.

3. Seth's first trip outside of the country. Singapore before Chinese New Year. Carlton Hotel breakfast buffet. Seth's own MRT card.

4. Mactan Shangri-la last October. The breakfast buffet. Discovering that I hate how sand feels. Discovering that I love being in the water surrounded by hungry fish. Spice Fusion with my cousin. Consuming 2 plates of naan.

5. Last Monday, December 13. Coffee at Bluejay's with a friend. 3 hour conversation. "We should do this more often."

6. Meeting B at Seattle's Best. 2 hour conversation. Grabbing the free coffee grounds at Starbucks afterwards.

7. My husband saying he will buy me a new wallet because my current wallet is so grotty. (I didn't even realize this -- made me realize that my husband is thoughtful and insightful in a way that complements me.)

8. Playdate with F and her kids. 4 kids + 3 yayas + a house with no breakables and lots of wide open spaces = total madness.

... 5 minutes over ...

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